
British Columbia


Power, Consciousness, and Awakening Presentation – Being Reborn Sacred Medicine Ceremony at Vidette Lake, BC, Canada.  .


For the first time in Canada, we host the most ancient ceremony with the most powerful sacred medicine, handled by an amazing team: Elie (Haxz), an original native from the Comcaác nation (in the Sonora desert of Mexico), and two renowned, experienced and recognized modern medicine people, Tania (named Coyoco Xa by the Comcaác nation) and Dan (named Xeecoj Xa).

The two days start with a beautiful and insightful evening.

It will be filled with knowledge and practices that unveil the most amazing understanding of the universe within yourself. There will be an introduction to sacred medicines & history, vibration and frequency. We will identify mind (ego), emotion, and belief systems to evolve into a new level of 5-D consciousness.

The next day is your opportunity to be in synchronicity with the wisdom that resides in everything that is created. You will join into oneness with the creator in the most wonderful inner journey, through these beautiful gifts of Mother Nature.

The OTAC Medicine is also called ‘the spirit molecule, the medicine of light, the breath of life, the path of the warrior of light, the light that lit the fifth sun’. It’s pure love, overwhelming forgiveness. The ceremony is

like being reborn.

It is considered to be the most profound, transformative spiritual experience a person can live. The best gift in life you could receive. Its natural, organic and analog to the human nature.

The ceremony is held in the original native form. 3 dates · 3 events · 3 medicines for you to choose, limited to 16 participants. RSVP/ASAP

Event Program:

Ceremony Donation:

$ 299 CDN per person.

Groups are kept small, so space is limited. There are already only three spaces left for the first event. Book soon!

Lodging (shared accommodations) and delicious vegetarian meals are provided by Center of Universe, Vidette Lake.

Two nights of accommodation and all meals, $ 200 CDN

Total cost for the event:
$ 499 CDN

Pease make sure to deposit 50% with booking to confirm your participation via e-transfer to also  call to let us know the date that suits you best and assign cabin at 778.765.5407

DAY 1,
EVENING 4:30pm: Welcome, registration 5:30pm: Introductory presentation 9:00pm: Talking circle around the camp fire: we share intentions and ancient stories, with songs from the Comcaác nation

DAY 2,
ALL DAY 9:00am: Initiation ceremony, all day, in small groups. 8:00pm: Closure, integration, talking circle around the camp fire


First event: Friday, June 26 – Saturday, June 27. 2020

Second event: Tuesday, June 30 Wednesday, July 1st. 2020

Third event: Friday, July 3rd Saturday, July 1st. 2020

All participants will receive personal preparedness guidelines and as well as private interviews before the sessions. You will also receive seven days of follow-up and counseling via video conference if desired.

“I am the purest Sacred Medicine of your ancestors.

I am the complete inheritance of all your blood line in direct ascension to the universe.

I am the perfect rediscovery of your highest purpose in this existence.

I show you what it is to have tranquility, love, harmony or inner peace.

I show you what it is to see yourself from the eyes of the creator and to love yourself, so that you value yourself again as you have never done before.

I am the medicine that allows you to discover the light, YOUR LIGHT!

I will also discover your hilliness and heal it, within my pure, eternal and perfect love. I can give you: discipline, freedom, forgiveness, power, balance, harmony, peace, gratitude.

I can get rid of everything that oppresses you. I come to remove the chains of the marginalized and oppressed, the defeated or those who believe themselves to be impure and cursed… and much more.

I´ll teach you to live without fear, so that you touch immortality and you can understand it within your own experience.

I expand your consciousness so that you can know your true divine and eternal nature, unique and perfect.

I am the sacred medicine and you are the means by which I, the universe, become aware of itself. Together we do the wonderful miracle of awakening.

If you seek for me between tears and laughter, between sighs and

hope, fear and despair, fight and resistance – if you long for relief and freedom for yourself … surrender to me, I am the medicine that heals you.”

Dan Santos, Medicine Man.
Yooz Quij misj Masai (The Creator blesses you)

33 3024 7100